Common Online Fitness Coaching Challenges and Solutions
Explore essential strategies for overcoming challenges in online fitness coaching, from client retention to effective communication.
Find out what all of the most successful personal trainers we've coached have in common
All successful and profitable personal trainers and coaches who work with us all share certain features. Because the system is only as good as the person using it.
They’ve all had problems along the way.
None of them have tried coaching and nailed it first time.
These are just people who have put in the effort and executed a system.
But the most important thing is having a set of strategies to deal with what happens when things go wrong or don’t work.
A lot of the most successful personal trainers share the same characteristics as your most successful clients. It’s all about how you approach things.
Alec has been able to sell up his studio, spend time travelling and go fully online.
Alec is:
✅ self-aware - he’s aware of his strengths and weaknesses
✅ industrious
✅ very client-focused
He has a solid offer that fits what the market is looking for.
And at the core of everything is solving a problem for his client.
The things that make Nick so successful are:
✅ His positive energy
✅ His focus on values
He doesn’t just see relationships as transactional.
A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that people won’t buy from them if their content is too helpful.
If you go in with that mindset, remember that someone else will be willing to offer what you won’t.
Nick’s principle is to offer as much value or help as possible, and that tends to reflect in sales and revenue.
Remember: It’s not always the right time for people to buy. But when they’re ready to, you’ll be the obvious choice if you’ve taken the time to help them.
The reasons for Cat’s online yoga coaching working so well are:
✅ She’s got a great offer
✅ She’s redirecting existing demand into a product that is well-delivered
✅ She sticks to the programme
Clients like Cat, who follow the recommended steps consistently, do much better than those who make it up as they go along.
Because their results are always predictable.
Tom is an established figurehead in the industry of fighting sports.
Being a fighter himself, he really knows his niche.
This means that he’s been able to create a product with an excellent product market match.
If you:
✅ operate in a niche that you know well
✅ there’s a demand for it
the delivery and everything else becomes so much easier.
Tom is successful because he’s been in the position of other fighters.
And he has a really good knowledge and understanding of what they’ll need.
Let’s look at some of the actions you can take to help you become a successful online fitness coach.
If you’re making boom and bust-type sales, that’s not a stable position to be in.
You’re much more likely to still be operating in five or ten years’ time if you build an income stream that is consistent and predictable.
That’s key for anyone looking to go full-time as an online personal trainer, and it’s what we teach our clients.
If you’re a bit camera shy, don’t pick youtube or podcasts as your main content source.
Choose something that plays to your strengths.
If you create content that you feel the most comfortable with, you’ll increase your chances of creating it consistently.
You don’t get extra points for choosing to go into a saturated market.
Choose something that makes it as easy as possible to make sales for yourself.
Getting your niche right is so important.
Don’t worry about being too specific; in fact, the more specific you are, the more you’ll stand out.
The key thing is to make sure it solves a problem effectively.
Choose something that plays to your strengths.
❌ Don’t try to do loads of stuff in one go.
📝 Choose a single target to hit each week.
You can’t do everything in one day, and just expect things to keep running.
Setting yourself realistic targets, and being consistent over a long period of time, is what will get results.
If you have a choice between thinking about something or just having a go at it, always go for the latter.
Read some of our tips on productivity here.
Identify the bottleneck in your business and work on it.
One of the common problems we come across when coaching clients is this:
They’re doing the work, but not allocating it in the right place.
Think about where you’re most deficient.
Is it your capacity to coach clients?
Is it your productivity and software?
It can help to have a coach, or someone who understands the industry, to give objective advice.
Someone who’s not as emotionally invested in the outcome as you will be able spot things that you haven’t.
If you’d like to learn more about our process, what we teach and how our system works, you can grab an overview video here.
If you’d like to discuss how we can help you with your online fitness business, you can book in some time with us here.
*DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above and in this training are our personal sales figures or sales figures of our clients. Please understand our results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training.
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